Monday, September 29, 2008

Life in Limbo?

Sorry for being so long in posting. Life has been busy for me. How about you? Is it busy or do you feel like you're in limbo waiting for the government to decide what they're going to do with your hard-earned dollars? Waiting for your 401K to plummet farther down in value? Waiting to see if the economy can make it "at all" if we're to listen to the media doomsayers.

I am learning along with my husband Ray that all things are known by God and because we love him and are called according to his purposes he will work ALL, yes ALL things together for our good (Romans 8:28). It may not seem like it as we have lost so much of our 401K but he promises this and we've learned we can believe him.

We learned it when Ray was out of work six years ago and we didn't know what would happen. He was offered a job, we rented our new house here in Washington state near Portland, Oregon, and we were moved to Salt Lake City, Utah for 11 months. We weren't in limbo, we took life as it came and it turned into such an incredibly fun and interesting time for us, we wouldn't have traded the adventure for the peace he could have had otherwise.

We learned it when I tumbled head-first down an entire flight of stairs and couldn't feel a thing from my excruciatingly painful neck down. I cried out loud, "God help me!" and had searing pain down my arms and hands and tingling from the waist down. I could move my legs and knew I wasn't paralyzed by God's grace. I should have died or been a quadriplegic according to the doctors. Yes, I had a long recovery learning to stand and walk again only to have three MS attacks put me back in a wheelchair, but God was ever-present and so precious. I wasn't in limbo, I was growing in God's and Ray's love and sharing with people I would never have met if I hadn't fallen.

During this seemingly awful time of limbo, lets ask God what he'd like us to learn. Let's look at things that seem frightening and ask, "What can I do or think in order to be less insecure." As we remind ourselves that God loves us with an everlasting love we will be less likely to fret.

To living today instead of living in limbo!


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