Sunday, November 2, 2008

Vote and Exclaim at the Beauty of Fall

I know you've heard this so many times you're tired of it, but I urge you to vote before or on Tuesday. No matter who you are voting for, don't believe pollsters. Your vote counts and matters!

Sorry you haven't heard from me in awhile. I've been balancing too many plates to write and thought I should prioritize to keep healthy and calm. Especially during this time of watching highly volatile campaigning and Stock Market swings.

Yes, like you, we have taken a huge hit to my husband's 401K--yikes!

We have so much to be grateful for though--our health, home, family and friends. And have you been watching fall explode like we have? I exclaim so often every day at God's amazing creation! This is a favorite time of year for me when the colors are unmatched by any painter's palate.

My speaking opportunity blessed me to no end with people telling me how touched they were by what I sensed God wanted me to share. I can't tell you what a blessing it is to be used as his instrument of change in the lives of others because of sharing God's Word--the Bible--and how it relates to our lives.

Anyway, I hope you're doing well, friend. More soon!

Have a great day!

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